
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Happy 4 years to my husband!

Four years ago I was a mere 18 year old making the biggest decision of my life. I am SO glad I made that decision and married my husband. He is my best friend. He make me laugh. He supports all my crazy ideas and dreams. There is never a dull moment. He is the best daddy I could ever hope for to our son. It has been a crazy 4 years, but I wouldn't have done it with anyone else! Happy anniversary to my love!

Yes. That is HELP on his shoes! :)

I got him REALLY good with the cake, he just got a smidge of my face!


  1. Happy Anniversary! Those shoes are great!

  2. Happy anniversary! Love the shoes!
    My hubby and I will be celebrating 4 yrs in January.

  3. Happy Anniversary!! Wishing the two of you many more years of happiness!

    Kelli @
