So, as if my life isn't busy enough with 2 kids, a part time job and a crazy life in general, I decided to add something else to my life! I have been hearing about this company called 31 for a while, but I had NO idea what it was, until I finally got invited to a party... and out of obligation... went to the party. Usually I will go to these "parties" and find the cheapest thing in the catalog and order it just so I can contribute and help out the hostess and the seller. I was pleasantly surprised at this party when I discovered that my normal very small limit of $20 or so, got me an actual decent bag! Looking through the catalog more, I realized I wanted everything, but I refrained! Instead, I asked questions about selling it for myself and was shocked to find out how much the gal who was selling it made, after only selling it for a year and a half!! AND... she gets lots of free bags!

"The name Thirty-One comes from the verses of Proverbs 31. These words may be thousands of years old, but I am constantly amazed by how today's modern woman can relate to them. The Proverbs 31 woman is dearly loved and respected by her family, yet she is an individual in her own right. She manages the home and property with kindness and integrity. Her savvy business skills are partly brought about by her desire to serve others, to do good deeds and prosper."
So. I jumped on the band wagon and signed up. I am REALLY excited about it and looking forward to contributing more to my household and also to be able to get some of these bags that I wanted so much, but didn't have money in the budget for.
The main reason I decided to sell 31, is because I really will not feel bad inviting people to a 31 party. If people, like myself, feel obligated to buy something at parties, they can spend 10-20 dollars and get a great product! Or, they can spend more! There is something for everyone and you don't have to spend $100 to get the deals or get great stuff.
My sister in law was very sweet to be my first person to book a party! Her party is next weekend and I am SO excited! I really love all the products and especially the mission statement of this company. Feel free to check out the catalog on my website and if you see something you can't live without, place an order! My favorite so far is the thermalized tote. It goes with me everywhere and carries all the kid's snacks or lunch. And, it is only $15! Also if you are in the Idaho area, and want to book a party, the average hostess earns $90 in free stuff and several hostess exclusive items at a fantastic price!
If anyone read all of this, THANKS!